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Revision as of 13:05, 25 January 2022

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English • ‎русский

Example of description in XML

1<item addr="100:10" name="chandelier" type="rgb-lamp" auto-period="600" system="yes">
2    <linked addr="101:16"/>  // is bound to the button with the address 101:1
3    <automation ……/>  // set the automation for this element
1<item addr="100:10" name="chandelier" type="rgb-lamp" auto-period="600" color-temp="307:4" color-white="307:5">
2    <linked addr="101:1"/>  // is bound to the button with the address 101:1
3    <automation ……/>  // set the automation for this element

color-temp="dimmer ID:SUBID" – for adding and control dimmer brigtness bar with temperature.

color-white="dimmer ID:SUBID" – for adding and control dimmer brigtness bar "white".

Device status (4 bytes)

Byte number description
0 Device status.
Bit 0:
0 – off
1 – on
Bit 3:
0 – automation is disactivated
1 – automation is activated
Bit 7:
0 – no alarm
1 – alarm (relating to temperature)
1 V – brightness (VSH Color System)
2 S – contrast (VSH Color System)
3 Н – colour hue (VSH Color System)

Possible variants of setting the status


byte description
0 Status (on/off)
0 – off
1 – on
0xFF – Change the status for the opposite one


byte description
0 Status (on/off)
0 – off
1 – on
0xFE – do not change the status of this byte
0xFF – Change the status for the opposite one
1 Brightness
0 – off
1..250 – brightness
0xFE – do not change the status of this byte
2 contrast
0 – off
1..250 – brightness
0xFE – do not change the status of this byte
3 colour hue


byte description
0 Status (on/off)
0 – off
1 – on
0xFE – do not change the status of this byte
0xFF – Change the status for the opposite one
1 Brightness
0 – off
1..250 – brightness
0xFE – do not change the status of this byte
2 Сontrast
0 – off
1..250 – сontrast
0xFE – do not change the status of this byte
3 Сolour hue
0 – off
1..250 – сolour hue
0xFE – do not change the status of this byte
4 Time required for changing the status, x0.1 seconds (runtime=100, apply as 10 seconds)