Translations:Метафорса 3/3.плус/88/ср

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 1		<item addr="349:1" auto-period="600" cfgid="197" name="Lamp 1" type="lamp"/>
 2		<item addr="349:2" auto-period="600" cfgid="197" name="Lamp 2" type="lamp"/>
 3		<item addr="349:3" auto-period="600" cfgid="197" name="Lamp 3" type="lamp"/>
 4		<item addr="349:4" auto-period="600" cfgid="197" name="Lamp 4" type="lamp"/>
 5		<item addr="349:5" auto-period="600" cfgid="197" name="Lamp 5" type="lamp"/>
 6		<item addr="349:6" cfgid="197" name="Radiator" temperature-lag="0.2" type="valve-heating">
 7			<automation name="Eco" temperature-level="16"/>
 8			<automation name="Comfort" temperature-level="22"/>
 9			<automation name="Hot" temperature-level="25"/>
10		</item>
11		<item addr="349:7" cfgid="197" name="Radiator" temperature-lag="0.2" type="valve-heating">
12			<automation name="Eco" temperature-level="16"/>
13			<automation name="Comfort" temperature-level="22"/>
14			<automation name="Hot" temperature-level="25"/>
15		</item>
16		<item addr="349:8" cfgid="197" name="Radiator" temperature-lag="0.2" type="valve-heating">
17			<automation name="Eco" temperature-level="16"/>
18			<automation name="Comfort" temperature-level="22"/>
19			<automation name="Hot" temperature-level="25"/>
20		</item>
21		<item addr="349:9" cfgid="197" name="Jalousie" sub-type="120" type="jalousie"/>
22		<item addr="349:11" auto-period="600" cfgid="197" name="Dimmer 1" type="dimmer-lamp"/>
23		<item addr="349:12" auto-period="600" cfgid="197" name="Dimmer 2" type="dimmer-lamp"/>
24		<item addr="349:13" auto-period="600" cfgid="197" name="Dimmer 3" type="dimmer-lamp"/>
25		<item addr="349:14" auto-period="600" cfgid="197" name="Dimmer 4" type="dimmer-lamp"/>
26		<item addr="349:16" cfgid="197" name="Door 1" type="door-sensor"/>
27		<item addr="349:17" cfgid="197" name="Door 2" type="door-sensor"/>
28		<item addr="349:18" cfgid="197" name="Door 3" type="door-sensor"/>
29		<item addr="349:19" cfgid="197" name="Door 4" type="door-sensor"/>
30		<item addr="349:20" cfgid="197" name="Door 5" type="door-sensor"/>
31		<item addr="349:21" cfgid="197" name="Door 6" type="door-sensor"/>
32		<item addr="349:22" cfgid="197" name="Door 7" type="door-sensor"/>
33		<item addr="349:23" cfgid="197" name="Door 8" type="door-sensor"/>
34		<item addr="349:24" cfgid="197" name="Door 9" type="door-sensor"/>
35		<item addr="349:25" cfgid="197" name="Door 10" type="door-sensor"/>
36		<item addr="349:26" cfgid="197" name="Door 11" type="door-sensor"/>
37		<item addr="349:27" cfgid="197" name="Door 12" type="door-sensor"/>
38		<item addr="349:28" cfgid="197" name="Door 13" type="door-sensor"/>
39		<item addr="349:29" cfgid="197" name="Door 14" type="door-sensor"/>
40		<item addr="349:30" cfgid="197" name="Door 15" type="door-sensor"/>
41		<item addr="349:31" cfgid="197" name="Door 16" type="door-sensor"/>
42		<item addr="349:32" cfgid="197" name="Door 17" type="door-sensor"/>
43		<item addr="349:33" cfgid="197" name="Door 18" type="door-sensor"/>
44		<item addr="349:34" cfgid="197" name="Door 19" type="door-sensor"/>
45		<item addr="349:35" cfgid="197" name="Door 20" type="door-sensor"/>
46		<item addr="349:36" cfgid="197" name="Door 21" type="door-sensor"/>
47		<item addr="349:37" cfgid="197" name="Door 22" type="door-sensor"/>
48		<item addr="349:38" cfgid="197" name="Door 23" type="door-sensor"/>
49		<item addr="349:39" cfgid="197" name="Door 24" type="door-sensor"/>
50		<item addr="349:40" cfgid="197" name="Door 24" type="door-sensor"/>
51		<item addr="349:41" cfgid="197" name="Door 25" type="door-sensor"/>
52		<item addr="349:43" cfgid="197" name="IR receiver" type="ir-receiver"/>
53		<item addr="349:44" cfgid="197" name="RS485" type="com-port"/>
54		<item addr="349:90" cfgid="197" name="Current" system="yes" type="current-sensor"/>
55		<item addr="349:95" cfgid="197" name="Temperature" system="yes" type="temperature-sensor"/>
56		<item addr="349:96" cfgid="197" name="Temperature" system="yes" type="temperature-sensor"/>
57		<item addr="349:97" cfgid="197" name="Temperature" system="yes" type="temperature-sensor"/>
58		<item addr="349:98" cfgid="197" hw="out='LLLLLHHHB-' dm='LLLL' io='KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKUKKKKKK-'" logic-ver="19" name="Temperature" sn="2533726919" system="yes" type="temperature-sensor"/>
59		<item addr="349:100" cfgid="197" name="RS232" type="com-port"/>