
Created page with "<div class="cautoin">POZOR! Napajalna napetost izmeničnega toka mora biti dovedena do vhoda sistema prek sklopa odklopnika. Nameščen mora biti blizu napajalnika.</div> #'''..."
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<div class="cautoin">CAUTION!
<div class="cautoin">POZOR!
AC power voltage must be provided to the system input through the circuit breaker assembly. It should be installed close to the power supply.</div>
Napajalna napetost izmeničnega toka mora biti dovedena do vhoda sistema prek sklopa odklopnika. Nameščen mora biti blizu napajalnika.</div>
#'''The power of circuit breaker assembly must comply with the load capacity;'''
#'''Moč sklopa odklopnika mora ustrezati nosilnosti;'''
#'''Nothing else than the phase conductors can be connected to the module, the neutral wire is connected separately.'''
#'''Na modul ni mogoče priključiti nič drugega kot fazne vodnike, ničelna žica je priključena ločeno.'''
editor, Interface administrators, Administrators, translation-admin, translator
