
HW settings

Name Type, range SUBID Default Description
runtime integer 0-100 1-4 15 runtime is the open/close time in seconds, is used for jalousie, gate, valve(2 pole); Example: runtime=15
runtimeopen integer 0-60000 Blinds subId - Runtimeopen is the open time in milliseconds, is used for blinds; Example: runtimeopen=15000
runtimeclose integer 0-60000 Blinds subId - Runtimeclose is the close time in milliseconds, is used for blinds; Example: runtimeclose=15000
hold integer 0-10000 1-4 500 hold is the bridging time in miliseconds, is used for gate and jalousie (by default hold is the same as runtime), lock; Example: hold=3500
def string 'ON' 1-4 'OFF' Def is the element status is set after restart, is used for lamp, heating, valve(1 pole); Example: def='ON'
out char[4] 98 'V-V-' Each char is responsible for the type of a particular channel
  • 'L'-Lamp;
  • 'M'-Lamp Inverse;
  • 'J'-Heating NO, valve-heating, normally open;
  • 'H'-Heating NC, valve-heating, normally closed;
  • 'B'-Blinds (2 pole), jalousie/curtains;
  • 'C'-Blinds Inverse (2 pole), jalousie/curtains, invert open-close;
  • 'G'-Gate (2 pole), 2 pole gate;
  • 'D'-Gate (2 pole) Inverse, 2 pole gate, invert open-close;
  • 'X'-Gate (1 pole /short press), 1 pole gate;
  • 'Z'-Gate (1 pole) Inverse, 1 pole gate, invert open-close;
  • 'V'-Valve (2 pole), 2 pole valve;
  • 'W'-Valve (2 pole) Inverse, 2 pole valve, invert open-close;
  • 'R'-Valve (1 pole), 1 pole valve,;
  • 'S'-Valve (1 pole) Inverse, 1 pole valve, invert open-close;
  • 'K'-Lock (short press);
  • 'N'-Lock (short press) Inverse;
  • 'P'-Blinds (2 pole);
  • 'O'-Blinds Inverse (2 pole), invert open-close;
  • '-'-none, nothing is connected.

Example: out='V-V-'

leak char[4] 98 'LLLL' Each char is responsible for the type of a particular channel
  • 'L'-Leak, Built-in floor (EW-WL) or on-the-floor (FW-WL) leakage sensor
  • 'N'-Third party leakage sensor;
  • 'S' – Leak, on-the-floor (FW-WL.B) leakage sensor
  • '-'-none
in char[2] 98 'KK' Each char is responsible for the type of a particular channel
  • 'K' – Contact;
  • 'H' – Inverted contact;
  • '-' – none;

Example: in='HHKK'

 1<item addr="500:1" cfgid="53" hw="runtime=30" name="Valve" type="valve" uniq_id="4105"/>
 2<item addr="500:3" cfgid="53" name="Jalousie" sub-type="120" type="jalousie" uniq_id="4117"/>
 3<item addr="500:11" cfgid="53" name="Leak" type="leak-sensor" uniq_id="4107"/>
 4<item addr="500:12" cfgid="53" name="Leak" type="leak-sensor" uniq_id="4108"/>
 5<item addr="500:13" cfgid="53" name="Leak" type="leak-sensor" uniq_id="4109"/>
 6<item addr="500:14" cfgid="53" name="Leak" type="leak-sensor" uniq_id="4110"/>
 7<item addr="500:21" cfgid="53" name="Door" type="door-sensor" uniq_id="4111"/>
 8<item addr="500:22" cfgid="53" name="Door" type="door-sensor" uniq_id="4112"/>
 9<item addr="500:23" cfgid="53" name="Door" type="door-sensor" uniq_id="4113"/>
10<item addr="500:24" cfgid="53" name="Door" type="door-sensor" uniq_id="4114"/>
11<item addr="500:97" cfgid="53" name="Temperature" system="yes" type="temperature-sensor" uniq_id="4115"/>
12<item addr="500:98" cfgid="53" hw="leak='NNLL' in='HHKK' out='V-B-'" name="Temperature" system="yes" type="temperature-sensor" uniq_id="4116"/>