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Example of description in XML

 1<item addr="201:50" automation="mode1" cfgid="62" name="Fancoil 1" temperature-sensors="997:1" type="fancoil" valve-cooling="997:247" valve-heating="997:248">
 2    <automation alg="eco" name="mode" temperature-level="18.5">
 3        <time-interval end-time="15:00" start-time="07:00" temperature-level="20" week-days="mo;tu;we;th;fr"/>
 4        <time-interval end-time="18:00" start-time="09:00" temperature-level="18.5" week-days="sa;su"/>
 5    </automation>
 6    <automation alg="fast" mode="cool" name="mode1" temperature-level="27.5">
 7        <time-interval end-time="18:00" start-time="09:00" temperature-level="27.5" week-days="mo;tu;we;th;fr"/>
 8        <time-interval end-time="20:00" start-time="12:00" temperature-level="27" week-days="sa;su"/>
 9    </automation>

Дополнительные параметры

Name type and variety description default value
temperature-sensors list list of valve temperature sensors (for automation) -
automation string name of current automation mode -
valve string (addr) addr of valve -
valve-heating string (addr) addr of heating valve -
valve-cooling string (addr) addr of cooling valve -
temperature-lag number hysteresis range on either side from set-point temperature Set in automation tag. The decimal symbol is dot. 0.5
undefined-behavior 0-250/on/off/last fancoil position in case of sensors readings absence (off – 0; on – 250) last
P0 0-100 minimal power for turning on fan last
mode heat/cool heat/cool mode heat
alg string eco/fast/boost alg -
heat-carrier string (addr) temperature sensor of heat carrier -
limit-fan number(0-250) max power -
ctrl-change1 number(0-250) min level of power change (one time per “ctrl-ticks” attr) if defined 5
ctrl-change2 number(0-250) min level of power change -
ctrl-ticks number(0-3825) power change by "ctrl-change1" timeout -

Automation parameters (optional element)

Name Wtype and variety description
name* string Device name in the control interface
temperature-level* number Temperature level for the intervals not specified in time-interval tags
mode heat/cool heat/cool mode
alg string eco/fast/boost alg
limit-fan number (0-250) max power
ctrl-change1 number(0-250) min level of power change (one time per "ctrl-ticks" attr) if defined
ctrl-change2 number(0-250) min level of power change
ctrl-ticks number(0-3825) power change by "ctrl-change1" timeout

* – required fields

Parameters of time-interval (optional element)

Name type and variety description
temperature-level* Number temperature level for this time interval
start-time* HH:MM interval starting time
end-time* HH:MM interval ending time
week-days list
list of week days when this interval is active
alg string eco/fast/boost alg
limit-fan number(0-250) max power

* – required fields

Device status upon status request (7 bytes)

Byte number Bit number Description
0 0
Fan On/Off
Boost On/Off
Integration algorithm (slow,medium,fast,boost)
1-2 8-23 T set (<-100 - no automation)
3-4 24-39 T cur (<-100 - no automation or undefined all T sensors)
5 40-43
Current automation time interval index
Current automation index
6 48-55 Current fan level (0-250)
7 56
Error: Has undefined T sensor(s)
Error: Has no any defined T sensor
Error: valve state is undefined
Error: reverse valve is on
Error: heat transfer sensor is undefined or has bad level
Error: low power for accessing setpoint
Error: fan state is undef

Possible variants of setting the status

1 byte

Byte Description
0 0 – off
1 – on
0xFF – Change the status for the opposite one

2 bytes

Byte Description
0 0 – off
1 – on
0xFF – Change the status for the opposite one
0xFE – do not change
1 0-250 – Power