Template:Infobox module

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Revision as of 11:41, 23 July 2021 by Erich (talk | contribs)
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{{Infobox module
| name       =  Module name
| image      =  Module image
| outCount   =  Number of switched channels
| dimmOut    =  Number of dimming channels
| peakl      =  Peak load (one-device)
| peakdl     =  Max load per dimming channel
| dt         =  Dimmer type   
| inDisc     =  Number of discrete inputs
| inDigit    =  Number of digital inputs
| voltage    =  Supply voltage
| dim        =  Module dimentions

Template for using
{{Infobox module
| name          = 
| image         = 
| outCount      = 
| dimmOut       = 
| peakl         = 
| peakdl        = 
| dt            = 
| inDisc        = 
| inDigit       = 
| toc           =
| iointerfaces  =
| maxcandev     =
| canportqty    =
| canbuslength  =
| maxcancurrent =
| voltage       = 
| dim           = 