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==HW settings==
!Name!!Type, range!!SUBID!!Default!!Description
|dm||char[9]||98||'RGBRGBRGB'||Each char is responsible for the type of a particular channel, RGB takes 3 channels
*'RGB' – Use like RGB lamp
*'L' – LED Function, dimmable LED lamps
*'G' – Use like halogen dimer-lamp
*'Y' – Linear Function of dimming
*'F' – Fancoil
*'S' – Lamp
*'M' – Inverse lamp
*'V' – Valve
*'W' – Inverse valve
*'K' – Lock
*'N' – Inverse lock
*'H' – Valve heating
*'J' – Inverse valve heating
*'-' – Channel disabled
Example: dm='LLLRGBLLL'
|f||integer 0-1000||98||500||Frequency of rgb LED
|def||integer 0-250||1-5||100||The default brightness level in case of a power reset (1..250). Example: def=250
|min||integer 0-100||1-5||0||Minimum dimming level, example: min=10
|max||integer 0-100||1-5||100||Maximum dimming level, example max=95
|-|start||integer 0-100||1-5||0||The Start function is used for lamps that lack the minimal voltage to get turned on. If the set value is lower than the start value, the lamp is turned on at the start value and them the light is dimmed down to the set level. Example: start=60
|force||integer 0-100||1-5||10||Time duration of the starting value (measured in milliseconds). Example: force=20
|runtime||integer 0-60000||1-9||5||Runtime is the speed of changing the brightness(measured in miliseconds for dimmer and in seconds for RGB). Example: runtime=5000


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