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!Byte number!!Bit number!!Description
|0||0<br>1<br>3<br>4-7||On/Off<br>Fan On/Off<br>Boost On/Off<br>Integration algorithm (slow,medium,fast,boost)
|1-2||8-23||CO2 setpoint (<-100 - no automation)
|3-4||24-39||CO2 current (<-100 - no automation or undefined all CO2 sensors)
|5||40-43<br>44-47||Current automation time interval index<br>Current automation index
|6||48-55||Current fan level (0-250)
|7||56<br>57<br>61<br>62<br>63||Error: Has undefined CO2 sensor(s)<br>Error: Has no any defined CO2 sensor<br>Error: low power for accessing setpoint<br>Error: fan state is undef<br>Reserved


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