Translations:Tag automation/4/en

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  1. Activating when opening one of the doors: on-by-door – enabled, door-sensors, illumination-sensors, illumination-level, time-interval, time-intervals
  2. Disactivating when closing the door: off-by-door – enabled, door-sensors, delay, motion-sensors, motion-level, time-interval, time-intervals
  3. Activating according to movement on any of specified sensors: on-by-moving – enabled, motion-sensors, motion-level, illumination-sensors, illumination-level, time-interval, time-intervals
  4. Disactivating according to movement on all the specified sensors: off-by-moving – enabled, motion-sensors, motion-level, time-interval, time-intervals
  5. Disactivating according to the level of illumination on all the sensors: off-by-illumination – enabled, illumination-sensors, illumination-level, time-interval, time-intervals
  6. Activating and disactivating according to time patterns: with-time – enabled, time-intervals