Troubleshooting unsorted

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Registering email with no verification if there is ".no-check" in the email address it will not send email for vefirication


Upload backup from server A to server B

  1. Save backup on server A;
  2. Download it;
  3. Switch module ID on server B to A's ID;
  4. Copy and save somewhere B server's sn from logic->hw;
  5. Install needed plugins;
  6. Switch server mode to 'Gateway';
  7. Upload backup to B and restore it;
  8. Switch sn="xxxxxxxx" on B in logic.xml to the sn from p.4;
  9. Switch back server mode to 'Default'

Control valve-heating from script

sprintf(strCommand, "%03d:%03d0ts:%d",ID, SID, setpoint);
setStatus(1000:102, &strCommand);


  1. Connect the module.
  2. Find item in logic with type="json".
  3. Add sub-type="btunreg" json item.
  4. Turn on "Edit mode" in the app.
  5. Connect BT device from menu-> setup-> Bluetooth.