Troubleshooting unsorted

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Revision as of 11:20, 4 February 2022 by Support (talk | contribs)
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Disk usage error

Check what folder is full:

cd /storage
du -h -d 1

If folder is /storage/history, then write in screen:

history delete old

This will delete history of connected devices.

Registering email with no verification if there is ".no-check" in the email address it will not send email for vefirication


Upload backup from server A to server B

  1. Save backup on A;
  2. Download it;
  3. Switch module ID on server B to A's ID;
  4. Copy and save somewhere B server's sn from logic->hw;
  5. Install needed plugins;
  6. Switch server mode to 'Gateway';
  7. Upload backup to B and restore it;
  8. Switch sn="xxxxxxxx" on B in logic.xml to the sn from p.4;
  9. Switch back server mode to 'Default'

Find out password from LT_Setup

sqlite3 /home/settings/db/larnitech.db
select * from accounts;

Control valve-heating from script

sprintf(strCommand, "%03d:%03d0ts:%d",ID, SID, setpoint);
setStatus(1000:102, &strCommand);


  1. Connect the module.
  2. Find item in logic with type="json".
  3. Add sub-type="btunreg" json item.
  4. Turn on "Edit mode" in the app.
  5. Connect BT device from menu-> setup-> Bluetooth.

No modules in lt_setup after reset to factory defaults via web on the new (3.xx) lt_setup

You need to be very carfuly. if any errors in the file system will not boot and you will need to send the device to repair Send command bootrw, then bootro. Edit /boot/config.txt with data from another server, where all works correctly.