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'''Note: The module must be installed near the power supply voltage source.'''
''''Pastaba: Modulis turi būti sumontuotas šalia maitinimo įtampos šaltinio.'''

Revision as of 08:48, 8 April 2024

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METAFORSA 3 MF3-14.png
Output ports
Number of switched channels10
Number of dimming channels4
Peak load16 A
Max load per dimming channel0.5 A (110 W at 220 V)
Dimmer typeMOSFET
Input ports
Number of discrete inputs28
Max CAN devices4 (can be extended with the license) 99 (for Metaforsa 3.plus)
Max CAN bus length800 m (twisted pair CAT5e)
Max current per CAN bus500 mA
Supply voltage11.5...27.5 V DC
Dimentions9U, 156x90x58 mm


METAFORSA SMART HOUSE montavimo vadove aprašoma jo įrengimo, surinkimo, veikimo ir nustatymo procedūra. Dirbdami su sistema turite griežtai laikytis visų šiame vadove nustatytų reikalavimų. Nesilaikant reikalavimų, gali būti sugadintas įrenginys, jo gedimas, elektros smūgis, gaisras ir kiti krituliai. Gamintojas pasilieka teisę keisti šį vadovą be išankstinio įspėjimo. Šis vadovas yra neatskiriama sistemos dalis ir lieka galutiniam vartotojui.


  • 10 universalių išėjimų palaikymas:
    • Šviesos
    • NC/NO šildymo vožtuvai
    • Žaliuzės
    • 1 arba 2 polių vartai
    • 1 arba 2 polių vožtuvai
    • NC/NO užraktai
    • Ventiliatoriaus ritės blokai
  • 4 pritemdymo išėjimai
  • 28 įvestys, kurios palaiko:
    • Mygtukai
    • LED mygtukai
    • Jungikliai
    • Nendriniai jungikliai
    • Nuotėkio jutikliai
    • Judesio detektoriai
    • Temperatūros jutikliai
    • LED juostelės
    • 3-4-5 kanalų RGB juostos
    • WS2812B juostelės
    • RS485 įrenginiai (tik Metaforsa 3.plus)
  • Prailginimo prievadas
  • Relės su AgSnO2 kontaktais, kurių vardinė srovė yra 80A 20ms
  • Debesų prijungimas ir visų namų sistemų valdymas
  • Valdymas balsu („Siri“, „Alexa“, „Google Home“)

Saugos reikalavimai

ATSARGIAI! Visus darbus, susijusius su montavimu, prijungimu, nustatymu, aptarnavimu ir aptarnavimu, turi atlikti kvalifikuoti darbuotojai, turintys pakankamai įgūdžių ir patirties dirbant su elektros įrenginiais.

Kad išvengtumėte gaisro, elektros smūgio, sistemos sugadinimo ir (arba) sužalojimo pavojaus, sistemos montavimas ir surinkimas turi būti atliekami pagal toliau pateiktas instrukcijas:

  • visi prijungimo darbai turi būti atliekami be maitinimo;
  • naudoti tinkamus įrankius ir asmenines apsaugos priemones nuo elektros smūgio;
  • nenaudokite pažeistų kabelių, laidų ir jungčių;
  • venkite kabelių ir laidų lankstymo;
  • nesuspauskite ir nesulenkite kabelių ir laidų naudodami per didelę jėgą. Priešingu atveju vidiniai kabelio ir laidų laidininkai gali būti nulupti arba nutrūkę;
  • jungti nenaudokite maitinimo lizdo su prastais kontaktais;
  • neviršyti šiame vadove nurodytos apkrovos parametrų ribos;
  • maitinimo laidų laidų sekcijai taikomos srovės tankio ribos, izoliacijos tipo ir laido medžiagos specifikacijos. Dėl lengvos dalies kabelis gali perkaisti ir sukelti gaisrą.

Kai dirbate su sistema po įtampos tiekimo NIEKADA:

  • padaryti jungčių pajungimą/atjungimą;
  • atviri moduliai ir jutikliai.

Sistemos konfigūracija ir paskirtis

Sistemos paskirtis

METAFORSA SMART HOUSE – tai paruoštas sprendimas gyvenamųjų ir komercinių patalpų, viešbučių kompleksų automatizavimui, apimantis labiausiai pageidaujamas Smart House savybes.

Įrenginys turi 10 valdymo kanalų, 4 pritemdymo kanalus ir 28 įvesties kanalus.

Universalūs išėjimai gali būti naudojami valdyti: Universalūs įėjimai leidžia prijungti:
Apšvietimas Mygtukai / LED mygtukai / perjungimo blokai
Kištukinės jungtys Magnetiniai nendriniai jungikliai
Grindinis šildymas Nuotėkio jutikliai
Užuolaida Judesio detektoriai
Vartų pavaros Temperatūros jutikliai
Vandentiekis LED juostos/3-4-5 kanalų RGB juostos/WS2812B juostos
Šildymo vožtuvai RS485 įrenginiai*

* – tik „Metaforsa 3.plus“.

Išplėtimo prievadas

Išplėtimo prievadas leidžia atnaujinti sistemą prijungiant pagalbinę įrangą, tokią kaip LED apšvietimo valdymo modulis, reguliavimas, matavimo prietaisai ir kiti elementai. Į paketą, kuris yra visiškai paruoštas įdiegti, yra pagrindinė aparatinė ir programinė įranga.

Paketo turinys

Standartiškai komplekte yra:

Pagrindinis kompiuteris METAFORSA 3/3.plus 1 vnt
Maitinimo blokas MEANWELL DR-15-12 1 vnt
Judesio jutiklis CW-MSD 3 vnt
Nuotėkio jutiklis FW-WL.B 2 vnt
Temperatūrai jautrus elementas FW-TS 4 vnt
Magnetinis nendrinis jungiklis (lango/durų padėties jutiklis) 4 vnt
Eterneto kabelio triukšmo filtras 1 vnt
Maitinimo laidas 1 vnt

Pagrindinės techninės sistemos specifikacijos

Pagrindinės modulio METAFORSA 3/3.plus specifikacijos ir charakteristikos pateiktos 1 lentelėje

Lentelė 1
Specifikacija Reikšmė
Išvesties prievadai
Perjungtų kanalų skaičius 10
Perjungtų grupių skaičius 10
Pritemdančių kanalų skaičius 4
Komutavimo įtampa 0-250 V AC/DC
Didžiausia apkrova (vienas kanalas) 16A
Didžiausia apkrova (įrenginys) 160A
Maksimali apkrova vienam pritemdymo kanalui 0,5 A (110 W, esant 220 V)
Dimmer tipas MOSFET
Dimmer apkrovos tipas R, C
Pritemdymo tipas galinis kraštas
Maitinimo kabelio jungties tipas jungtis
Leidžiama maitinimo laido dalis, kurią galima jungti į lizdą:
vieno laido kabelis
daugelio laidų laidas
daugelio laidų kabelis su galiukais

0,5 … 4mm2
0,5 … 4mm2
0,5 … 2,5 mm2
įvesties prievadai
Diskrečiųjų įėjimų skaičius 28
Maksimali srovė nuolatinės srovės įtampos jungtyse 5 mA*
Darbinė aplinkos temperatūra 0 … +45°С
Laikymo/gabenimo temperatūra -10 … +50°С
Leidžiama drėgmė 0…95 % (nekondensuojantis)
Maitinimas 11,5 … 27,5 V DC
24 V, 0,75 A rekomenduojama
Maksimali paklausa 0,5А
Galimos sąsajos Ethernet, CAN
Autobuso tipas CAN (4 laidų)
CAN (4 laidų) 800 m** (vytos poros CAT5e)
CAN laido tipas FTP Cat 5E
CAN ryšio tipas Jungtis
Didžiausias skaitmeninės linijos ilgis 30 m
Skaitmeninės linijos laido tipas UTP/FTP Cat 5E
LAN maksimalus ilgis 100 m
LAN laido tipas UTP/FTP Cat 5E
LAN ryšio tipas Jungtis RJ-45
RS485 prievadų kiekis 1***
Duomenų perdavimo greitis 1200-115200 b/s***
Matmenų specifikacijos 9U, 156x90x58 mm
Kauto medžiaga ABS
Apvalkalas IP40
Įrangos įrengimo tipas DIN bėgis (EN 60715)
Svoris 400 g

* – išvesties kanalus reikia jungti tik naudojant stiprintuvą, kuris kaip įvestį naudoja 5 V PWM signalą iš IO išvesties

** – ilgoms linijoms reikia įrengti papildomus maitinimo blokus; maksimalus linijos ilgis gali būti sumažintas dėl įvairių trukdžių veiksnių

*** – tik „Metaforsa 3.plus“.

Bendra sistemos struktūra

Bendras modulio vaizdas parodytas pav. 1'

Fig. 1 Modulio bendras vaizdas

1 — jungtis apkrovai pritaikyti
2 — jungtis, skirta pritemdymo lempoms naudoti
3 - maitinimo jungtis
4 — Ethernet tinklo jungtis
5-6 — universalių įvesties/išvesties kanalų jungtys
7 — išplėtimo modulio jungtis.

MetaFORSA įrenginio išorinių jungčių apžvalga:' Korpuso viršuje ('1 pav.) yra:

  • jungtis (1) — Įrenginių prijungimas;
  • jungtis (2) — Pritemdymo lempų jungtis;

Korpuso apačioje (1 pav.) yra:

  • jungtis (3) — modulio maitinimo jungtis;
  • jungtis (4) — Ethernet tinklo jungtis;
  • jungtys (5-6) — universalus įvesties/išvesties kanalų jungtis – mygtukai, nendriniai jungikliai, LED mygtukai, nuotėkio davikliai, judesio davikliai, temperatūros davikliai, LED juostos, 3-4-5 kanalų RGB juostos, WS2812B juostos, RS485 įrenginiai ( Tik Metaforsa 3.plus);
  • jungtis (7) — išplėtimo modulio jungtis.

Kiekvienos jungties fizinė konfigūracija ir kontaktinio taško priskyrimas rodomi 2 lentelėje.

Lentelė 2
Jungtis Kontaktai Užduotis
Out.png 1-10 Apkrovos taikymas (šviesos lempos, šiluminės pavaros ir kt.)
Dimm.png D1-4, L, N Apkrovos taikymas (pritemdymo lempos)
Įrenginio būsenos indikatoriai Modulio būsenos indikatoriai aprašyti 3 lentelėje
24vconn.png +24V
+24 V — modulio maitinimas iš išorinio 24 V maitinimo šaltinio GND — bendras
Rj45.jpg RJ45 Jungtis LAN ryšiui
IOC CONN.png In1-14, In15-28 GND Valdymo įrenginių prijungimas (mygtukai, LED mygtukai, magnetiniai nendriniai jungikliai, judesio detektoriai, nuotėkio jutikliai, temperatūros jutikliai ir kt.):
In1 … In28 – loginiai įėjimai
GND – bendri
Can.jpg VCC
Išorinių modulių jungtis CAN magistralei
VСС — 24 V išėjimas išorinių įrenginių maitinimo šaltiniui
GND — bendras
L — CAN-L duomenų magistralė
H — CAN-H duomenų magistralė
Indicator Status Description
Power G.png Power
E.png Power not available
Activity Y.png Data communication
E.png Data communication not available
Error E.png No errors
R.png Communication error
R.pngR.png Module overheat
R.pngR.pngR.png Dimmer outputs module overload
R.pngR.pngR.pngR.png Absence of power on dimmers, if in configuration

Sistemos montavimas ir surinkimas

Prieš prijungdami sistemą, turite:

  • patalpinkite jutiklį ir pavaras (jei nėra iš anksto sumontuotos), nustatykite jutiklius ir pavaras;
  • Padėkite modulį ir maitinimo šaltinį.

'Pastaba: Modulis turi būti sumontuotas šalia maitinimo įtampos šaltinio.

CAUTION! AC power voltage must be provided to the system input through the circuit breaker assembly. It should be installed close to the power supply.
  1. The power of circuit breaker assembly must comply with the load capacity;
  2. Nothing else than the phase conductors can be connected to the module, the neutral wire is connected separately.

Typical diagram of METAFORSA 3/3.plus module connection is shown in fig. 3.

Fig. 3

Connection of the actuators

Connection of the lights/electric contactor/heating thermal actuator

Fig. 4
Such actuators as light, electric contactor, heating thermal actuator should be switched on any of the outputs 1 – 10, the neutral wire and the ground wire should be connected directly to the switchboard. The example of connection is shown in Fig.4.

Connection of high load device

Contactor Recomended contactors:
  • ABB ESB series
  • Schneider Acti 9 iCT series
  • Hager ESC series.

Connection of single-pole water/gas supply valve

Caution: Before applying power to the load, make sure that the output configuration of METAFORSA module is correct. The incorrect configuration or incorrect connection can cause the module failure and/or failure of the equipment connected to it, and even a fire.
Fig. 5
The single pole water/gas supply valve is connected to any of the outputs of 1 – 10, the (neutral wire and the ground wire are connected directly to the switchboard. The example of connection is shown in Fig.5.

Connection of double-pole water/gas supply valve

Caution: Before applying power to the valve, it is necessary to ensure the output configuration of METAFORSA module is correct. The incorrect configuration can cause the voltage application simultaneously to both channels of the valve, which may result in the module failure and/or failure of the equipment connected to it, and even a fire.
Fig. 6
Two adjacent contact points (for example, 3, 4) are used to connect the double-pole water/gas supply valve; in these conditions the neutral wire and the ground wire are connected directly to the switchboard. The example of connection is shown in Fig.6.

Connection of single-pole gate actuator

Caution: Before applying power to the module, you should properly configure access to the application. The contacts incorrectly configured can result in the module failure and/or failure of the equipment connected to it, and even a fire.

Fig. 7
Any contact point (for example, 3) is used to connect the single-pole gate drive controllers. The example of connection is shown in Fig.7.

Connection of double-pole gate actuator

Caution: Before applying power to the module, you must properly configure the outputs in the application. The contacts configured incorrectly can lead to simultaneous power supply to both channels, resulting in the module failure and/or failure of the equipment connected to it, and even a fire.

Fig. 8
Two adjacent contact points (for example, 3, 4) should be used to connect the double-pole gate drive controller. The example of connection is shown in Fig.8.

Connection of curtain/jalousie/shutter actuator with 220V force control

Caution: Before applying power to the module, you must properly configure the outputs in the application. The contacts configured incorrectly can lead to simultaneous power supply to both channels, resulting in the module failure and/or failure of the equipment connected to it, and even a fire.

Fig. 9
Two adjacent contact points (for example, 3, 4) should be used to connect the curtain/jalousie/rolladens actuator, in these conditions the neutral wire and the ground wire are connected directly to the switchboard. The example of connection is shown in Fig.9.

Connection of curtain/jalousie/shutter actuator with low-voltage control

Caution: Before applying power to the module, you must properly configure the outputs in the application. The contacts configured incorrectly can lead to simultaneous power supply to both channels, resulting in the module failure and/or failure of the equipment connected to it, and even a fire.

Fig. 10
Two adjacent contact points (for example, 3, 4) should be used to connect the curtain/jalousie/rolladens actuator with low-voltage control. The example of connection is shown in Fig.10.

Connection of sensing elements/switches/buttons

Connection of motion sensors/leakage sensors

The motion sensors/leakage sensors should be connected to any free input in1-in28; in these conditions their power is connected to the contact points of +5V and GND of the relevant group. The example of connection is shown in Fig.11.

Fig. 11 connection of motion sensors/leakage sensors

Connection of buttons/switches/magnetic reed switches

Buttons and reed switches are connected to any free input in1-in28, while their second contact point is connected to GND point of the relevant METAFORSA module group. The example of connection is shown in Fig. 12-13.

Buttons MF3.png

Fig. 12 connection of buttons/switching units
Reed-sv MF3.png

Fig. 13 connection of the magnetic reed switches (window/door position sensors)

Connection of temperature sensors

Temperature sensors are connected to any free input in1-in28, while their second contact point is connected to GND point of the relevant METAFORSA module group. The example of connection is shown in Fig. 14.


Fig. 14 connection of temperature sensors

RGB connection scheme

CAUTION! Output channels should only be connected using amplifier which uses 5V PWM signal from IO output as input


Fig. 15 RGB connection

WS2812B connection scheme


Fig. 16 WS2812B connection

RS485 connection scheme

CAUTION! RS485 connection is only available for Metaforsa 3.plus and only occurs on 21 channel

MF3plus rs485.png

Fig. 17 RS485 connection

Connection of auxiliary equipment.

Expansion modules include Larnitech equipment connected through the CAN-bus. Such equipment includes: dimmers, RGB-backlit control modules, multimode sensors, etc. The equipment connected to the expansion port is defined automatically and does not require any preset tuning. Connector contact pin assignment is defined in Table 4. The example of connection is shown in Fig. 18.

CAN MF3.png
Caution! The 120 ohm terminating resistors should be installed at the end connectors between L and H contact points of CAN-bus. Ensure the connection is correct. The incorrect connection may cause sensor and/or module malfunction.

Module installation and connection procedure

ATTENTION! You must precisely follow the recommendations listed in the Security Requirements section hereof.
  1. Install the module in the switchboard on the DIN-rail and fix it with the special latch on the module base.
  2. Fasten the supply unit on the left side of the module.
  3. Connect the connector (4) having the noise filter pre-installed which is supplied complete with the module.
  4. Connect the connectors (5), (6).
  5. Connect the connectors (1), (2).
  6. Connect the connector (3).
  7. Apply power to the supply unit of METAFORSA module.
  8. Wait until the module is loaded, then configure it in accordance with the System Setup Instructions.
  9. Apply power to the connectors (1), (2).
  10. Check all equipment for proper operation.

METAFORSA module shut-off and deinstallation procedure

  1. De-energize the module by disconnecting the circuit breaker assembly of the load power supply and METAFORSA module supply unit. Verify the voltage is absent on the terminals (1), (2) of the connector wires and on the input terminals of the supply unit.
  2. Disconnect the load power supply connectors (1), (2).
  3. Disconnect the connector (3).
  4. Disconnect the connectors (4)-(6).
  5. Remove the module from the DIN-rail, releasing the latch at the bottom of the module base.

Hardware setup

To configure and control METAFORSA SMART HOUSE, you must install Larnitech software on your smartphone or tablet, which is available in App Store and Play Market. After installation, follow the System Setup Instructions.

Fault diagnostics and handling

The following are some possible faults and ways of fault handling. If you have any difficulty, or face the fault undeclared here, please contact the Technical Support: [1] or [support@larnitech.com]. There are also some tips in the FAQ section at our website [2].

The actuators do not operate:

  • ensure the outputs are properly configured in the application (see System Setup Instructions);
  • check the connection is correct in accordance with table 2 and paragraph 3.6;
  • ensure the power is supplied to the input power contact , i.e. all circuit breaker assembly are ON.
  • verify the operability of the connected equipment.

The module is off, indication absent:

  • check the connection to 24V supply unit as shown in table 2 (contacts pin assignment);
  • check the connection of the supply unit to 220V power mains, the indicator should be ON.

Network connection fault:

  • ensure the Ethernet cable is properly wired and connected to the connector;
  • ensure the LED status indicators are ON on the Ethernet connector;
  • check the LAN configuration is correct, Ethernet cable loops are absent;
  • METAFORSA module and the device you are connecting from are in the same network.

hold integer 0-10000 1-10 by default hold is the same as runtime hold is the bridging time in miliseconds, is used for gate and jalousie, lock; Example: hold=3500

The sensors do not operate:

  • ensure the inputs are properly configured in the application (System Setup Instructions);
  • check the connection is correct in accordance with table 2 and paragraph 3.7;
  • ensure the METAFORSA module is ON: circuit breaker assembly is closed, indication on the supply unit is ON, the module indication corresponds to the operating status – table 3;
  • check the power supply availability on the sensors;
  • check the integrity of lines laid to the sensors.

The auxiliary equipment does not operate:

  • check the connection is correct in accordance with table 2 and paragraph 3.8-9;
  • ensure the METAFORSA module is ON: circuit breaker assembly is closed, indication on the supply unit is ON, the module indication corresponds to the operating status – table 3;
  • check the integrity of the CAN lines, voltage supply on the modules.

HW Settings

Name Type, range SUBID Default Description
runtime integer 0-100 1-10 15 runtime is the open/close time in seconds, is used for jalousie, gate, valve(2 pole);

Example: runtime=15

runtimeopen integer 0-60000 Blinds subId Runtimeopen is the open time in milliseconds, is used for blinds; Example: runtimeopen=15000
runtimeclose integer 0-60000 Blinds subId Runtimeclose is the close time in milliseconds, is used for blinds; Example: runtimeclose=15000
hold integer 0-10000 1-10 500 hold is the bridging time in milliseconds, is used for gate and jalousie (by default hold is the same as runtime for jalousie and gate), lock; Example: hold=3500
def string 'ON' 1-10 'OFF' def is the element status is set after restart, is used for lamp, heating, valve(1 pole); Example: def='ON'
stop Char ‘R’ 1-7 (for 2-pole gate and blinds) If it is declared then by Stop command during the motion, the same impulse appears as it was at the beginning of the motion. Pole, an which the stop-impules is formed, is defined by the parameter Stop value. If it is ‘r’ or ‘R’ then stop-impulse is produced on the opposite to the start-impulse pole. If any other value is delcared (e.g., ‘d’ ) then the stop-impulse is on the same pole. If a Runtime passed after the beginning of the motion then the stop-impulse is not formed. Example: stop=’r’
out char[10] 98 'LLLLHHHHP-' Each char is responsible for the type of a particular channel
  • 'L'-Lamp;
  • 'M'-Lamp Inverse;
  • 'J'-Heating NO, valve-heating, normally open;
  • 'H'-Heating NC, valve-heating, normally closed;
  • 'B'-Blinds (2 pole), jalousie/curtains;
  • 'C'-Blinds Inverse (2 pole), jalousie/curtains, invert open-close;
  • 'G'-Gate (2 pole), 2 pole gate;
  • 'D'-Gate (2 pole) Inverse, 2 pole gate, invert open-close;
  • 'X'-Gate (1 pole /short press), 1 pole gate;
  • 'Z'-Gate (1 pole) Inverse, 1 pole gate, invert open-close;
  • 'V'-Valve (2 pole), 2 pole valve;
  • 'W'-Valve (2 pole) Inverse, 2 pole valve, invert open-close;
  • 'R'-Valve (1 pole), 1 pole valve,;
  • 'S'-Valve (1 pole) Inverse, 1 pole valve, invert open-close;
  • 'K'-Lock (short press);
  • 'N'-Lock (short press) Inverse;
  • 'P'-Blinds (2 pole);
  • 'O'-Blinds Inverse (2 pole), invert open-close;
  • 'F'-FanCoil. Group1 (Lamp Toggle). For fancoil speed control;
  • 'E'-FanCoil. Group2 (Lamp Toggle). For fancoil speed control;
  • 'Q'-FanCoil. Group3 (Lamp Toggle). For fancoil speed control;
  • 'U'-FanCoil. Group4 (Lamp Toggle). For fancoil speed control;
  • 'I'-FanCoil. Group5 (Lamp Toggle). For fancoil speed control;
  • '-'-none, nothing is connected.

Example: out='LLB-G-V-W-'

dm char[4] 98 ‘LLLL’ Each char is responsible for the type of a particular channel
  • ‘g’ – use like halogen dimer-lamp
  • ‘s’ – Soft Switch, lamp, when on/off power is supplied/deenergised smoothly (500msec)
  • ‘k’ – Switch, lamp, when on/off power is supplied/deenergised immediately
  • ‘l’ – LED Function, dimmable LED lamps
  • ‘v’ – linear Function of dimming
  • ‘-‘ – Channel disabled
  • ‘+’ – Regular channel

Example: dm=’skl-‘

def integer 0-250 11-14 100 The default brightness level in case of a power reset (1..250). Example: def=250
min integer 0-100 11-14 0 Minimum dimming level, example: min=10
max integer 0-100 11-14 100 Maximum dimming level, example max=95
start integer 0-100 11-14 0 The Start function is used for lamps that lack the minimal voltage to get turned on. If the set value is lower than the start value, the lamp is turned on at the start value and them the light is dimmed down to the set level. Example: start=60
force integer 0-100 11-14 10 Time duration of the starting value (measured in milliseconds). Example: force=20
runtime integer 0-60000 11-14 1000 Runtime is the speed of changing the brightness from ‘min’ to ‘max’ (measured in milliseconds). Example: runtime=1000
offset integer (+/- 0…39) 39-46 '0' sensor values offset; For example, offset is -3.8 :

Example: hw="offset='-3.8'"

io char[28] 98 io='KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK' Each char is responsible for the type of a particular channel
  • '0' - led-dimmer
  • '1' - halogen-dimmer
  • '2' - linear-dimmer
  • '3'..'6' - RGB-3..6 channels
  • 'z' - WS2812B -string
  • 'e' - led-button inverse
  • 'd' - led-button
  • 'c' - button inverse
  • 'b' - button
  • 's' - switch
  • 'k' - contact inverse
  • 'h' - contact
  • 'l' - leak
  • 'n' - Neptun
  • 'v' - motion inverse
  • 'm' - motion
  • 'r' - thermo-resistor
  • 't' - DALLAS
  • '-' - none


hw string 98 - hw="...", where
  • pwm_invert – PWM inverting [1, 0];
  • lbn_bright – brightness of led buttons, range (0 - 255);
  • f – by default PWM frequency is 1000, range (1 - 5000).


1hw="io='4---zdd----t--' pwm_invert=1 lbn_bright=255 f=1000"
Only for Metaforsa 3.plus
cfg string 98 9600/8N1 cfg='SPEED/BPS', where
  • SPEED – baud rate [1200..115200];
  • B – data length [7,8];
  • P – presence and type of parity bit [N(No parity),E(Even parity),O(Odd parity)];
  • S – stop bit length [1, 1.5 or 2].


[Protocol] string 98 Protocol setting is described by protocol parameter. The following

protocols are supported:

  • 'modbus', Modbus protocol, at the end of redirection the checksum CRC16(Modbus) is added;
  • 'dmx', DMX protocol;
  • 'CO2' for connecting Larnitech CO2 sensors;
  • 'salda' for connecting Salda ventilation.


1hw="cfg='9600/8N1' modbus"
echo on; off 98 'off' For settings check out and testing echo parameter can be used. Module

echo-reply can be turned on or off with the help of this parameter.Echo parameter value:

  • 'off'
  • 'on'


1hw="cfg='9600/8N1' echo='off'"
 1		<item addr="349:1" auto-period="600" cfgid="197" name="Lamp 1" type="lamp"/>
 2		<item addr="349:2" auto-period="600" cfgid="197" name="Lamp 2" type="lamp"/>
 3		<item addr="349:3" auto-period="600" cfgid="197" name="Lamp 3" type="lamp"/>
 4		<item addr="349:4" auto-period="600" cfgid="197" name="Lamp 4" type="lamp"/>
 5		<item addr="349:5" auto-period="600" cfgid="197" name="Lamp 5" type="lamp"/>
 6		<item addr="349:6" cfgid="197" name="Radiator" temperature-lag="0.2" type="valve-heating">
 7			<automation name="Eco" temperature-level="16"/>
 8			<automation name="Comfort" temperature-level="22"/>
 9			<automation name="Hot" temperature-level="25"/>
10		</item>
11		<item addr="349:7" cfgid="197" name="Radiator" temperature-lag="0.2" type="valve-heating">
12			<automation name="Eco" temperature-level="16"/>
13			<automation name="Comfort" temperature-level="22"/>
14			<automation name="Hot" temperature-level="25"/>
15		</item>
16		<item addr="349:8" cfgid="197" name="Radiator" temperature-lag="0.2" type="valve-heating">
17			<automation name="Eco" temperature-level="16"/>
18			<automation name="Comfort" temperature-level="22"/>
19			<automation name="Hot" temperature-level="25"/>
20		</item>
21		<item addr="349:9" cfgid="197" name="Jalousie" sub-type="120" type="jalousie"/>
22		<item addr="349:11" auto-period="600" cfgid="197" name="Dimmer 1" type="dimmer-lamp"/>
23		<item addr="349:12" auto-period="600" cfgid="197" name="Dimmer 2" type="dimmer-lamp"/>
24		<item addr="349:13" auto-period="600" cfgid="197" name="Dimmer 3" type="dimmer-lamp"/>
25		<item addr="349:14" auto-period="600" cfgid="197" name="Dimmer 4" type="dimmer-lamp"/>
26		<item addr="349:16" cfgid="197" name="Door 1" type="door-sensor"/>
27		<item addr="349:17" cfgid="197" name="Door 2" type="door-sensor"/>
28		<item addr="349:18" cfgid="197" name="Door 3" type="door-sensor"/>
29		<item addr="349:19" cfgid="197" name="Door 4" type="door-sensor"/>
30		<item addr="349:20" cfgid="197" name="Door 5" type="door-sensor"/>
31		<item addr="349:21" cfgid="197" name="Door 6" type="door-sensor"/>
32		<item addr="349:22" cfgid="197" name="Door 7" type="door-sensor"/>
33		<item addr="349:23" cfgid="197" name="Door 8" type="door-sensor"/>
34		<item addr="349:24" cfgid="197" name="Door 9" type="door-sensor"/>
35		<item addr="349:25" cfgid="197" name="Door 10" type="door-sensor"/>
36		<item addr="349:26" cfgid="197" name="Door 11" type="door-sensor"/>
37		<item addr="349:27" cfgid="197" name="Door 12" type="door-sensor"/>
38		<item addr="349:28" cfgid="197" name="Door 13" type="door-sensor"/>
39		<item addr="349:29" cfgid="197" name="Door 14" type="door-sensor"/>
40		<item addr="349:30" cfgid="197" name="Door 15" type="door-sensor"/>
41		<item addr="349:31" cfgid="197" name="Door 16" type="door-sensor"/>
42		<item addr="349:32" cfgid="197" name="Door 17" type="door-sensor"/>
43		<item addr="349:33" cfgid="197" name="Door 18" type="door-sensor"/>
44		<item addr="349:34" cfgid="197" name="Door 19" type="door-sensor"/>
45		<item addr="349:35" cfgid="197" name="Door 20" type="door-sensor"/>
46		<item addr="349:36" cfgid="197" name="Door 21" type="door-sensor"/>
47		<item addr="349:37" cfgid="197" name="Door 22" type="door-sensor"/>
48		<item addr="349:38" cfgid="197" name="Door 23" type="door-sensor"/>
49		<item addr="349:39" cfgid="197" name="Door 24" type="door-sensor"/>
50		<item addr="349:40" cfgid="197" name="Door 24" type="door-sensor"/>
51		<item addr="349:41" cfgid="197" name="Door 25" type="door-sensor"/>
52		<item addr="349:43" cfgid="197" name="IR receiver" type="ir-receiver"/>
53		<item addr="349:44" cfgid="197" name="RS485" type="com-port"/>
54		<item addr="349:90" cfgid="197" name="Current" system="yes" type="current-sensor"/>
55		<item addr="349:95" cfgid="197" name="Temperature" system="yes" type="temperature-sensor"/>
56		<item addr="349:96" cfgid="197" name="Temperature" system="yes" type="temperature-sensor"/>
57		<item addr="349:97" cfgid="197" name="Temperature" system="yes" type="temperature-sensor"/>
58		<item addr="349:98" cfgid="197" hw="out='LLLLLHHHB-' dm='LLLL' io='KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKUKKKKKK-'" logic-ver="19" name="Temperature" sn="2533726919" system="yes" type="temperature-sensor"/>
59		<item addr="349:100" cfgid="197" name="RS232" type="com-port"/>